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9 Benefits of The Pandemic Through Technology

The worldwide lockdown attributable to the covid-19 pandemic was an unplanned and likely never repeated case. No one would have thought how much a ban on outside movement could take a toll on one’s overall well-being. Even though it was extremely difficult to adapt to life under those constraints, many people were able to profit from the pandemic, especially in the field of technology.

Companies like zoom, YouTube and Netflix recorded most of their highest profits during this period as they were the major reasons the world was able to get by. But apart from these companies, regular people had some positive takeaways from the pandemic.

9 Good Things Tech Brought During The Pandemic

1.  Remote Working: Although many companies never thought it possible, the pandemic made it so. Switching to remote working mode turned out well for many offices because not only do they cross rent off their expenses, their employees also had enough chance to deliver perfect tasks. Yes, it did affect the real estate market, but a huge percentage of the world’s employees have been said to improve productivity from working at home. When the time spent on getting ready for work, catching the bus or train to work and at the same time beating traffic is out, the amount of time left to be productive at work is shortened. Today, many employees and employers alike enjoy the remote working method as the results are better than they used to be. Employees can now use their morning brains to deliver the necessary tasks.

2.  Remote Learning: Both kids and adults were able to take advantage of the wells of knowledge available on the internet during the pandemic. There was just so much information online that never got the needed attention when the world was normal but did so during the pandemic. We can say that several people have become smarter even students now get a better understanding of topics as they had no choice but to get all their answers on the internet. Additionally, People now understand that it is possible to learn profitable skills via the internet using platforms like Udemy and Coursera. Many even went ahead to get hired using the online certification gotten during the pandemic.

3.  Remote Teaching: Many people who also never thought they could be tutors had the luxury of time to do so and get paid for it. The pandemic made many introverts, tutors to thousands of students on platforms like Udemy and Coursera. YouTube reports that the numbers of channels created on YouTube surged during the pandemic and views also increased by a whopping 98%.

4.  Most Physical Meetings Were Revealed To Be Unnecessary: Interviews and early morning meetings that required participants to make a lot of preparations and move those preparations to the meeting location has been made easy thanks to meeting platforms like google meet and zoom. Today, even as the world is slowly opening up, these meetings can hold on to the numerous live communication applications that have been made available.

5.  A Chance To Harness The Wells Of ICT: The fact that you had to sit home all day made you better at using almost every device in your home. It’s understandable. The boredom made many experts at using their phones, laptops and other gadgets. Many TikTok influencers have the pandemic to thank for their careers as it availed them the time to master the app and craft. Not only TikTok, but the pandemic also birthed a good number of influencers today both on Instagram and Twitter. Check out Elsa Majimboand Hauwa.

6.  More Attention To IT Jobs: The pandemic birthed a good number of techies in the world today. Tech twitter celebrated the birth of at least three new techies every day during the lockdown. Not only in the aspect of software but other digital skills as well. The discovery and waltz into the world of tech may not have been possible if the pandemic never happened. Today, a lot of IT workers can say they owe entry into their careers to the pandemic.

7.  The Music Industry Had Some Gain: There’s no telling that apps like TikTok and Triller have forever changed the music industry. Today, for almost every song, there’s a dance or challenge for it on TikTok. Any song can get the popularity it wants if the artist pays the right influencer in TikTok. How much influence these apps could have on the industry may not have been discovered if the pandemic didn’t happen. Even after the pandemic, the input of these apps are forever permanent and that is a huge plus to the industry.

8.  Getting Side Jobs Became Easy: Many individuals with full-time jobs that didn’t allow them to get a side gig were able to cop one or two freelance gigs while they worked remotely at their full-time jobs. All it took was a good time and management and it was all possible.

9.  Starting And Running A Business Became Easy: With e-commerce, many people were able to start and run a business successfully. Amazon, the most popular e-commerce solution provider, made 79% more profit during the pandemic, despite its natural success. Many small businesses that grew as well during the pandemic are today recording success because they had no choice but to leverage e-commerce.

Not neglecting the many losses that took place during the pandemic, we just cannot deny that tech made the entire lockdown period somewhat bearable.

Even as things gradually return to normal, the pandemic has shown that there is so much to learn from technology.

Can you relate to some of the benefits mentioned above during the pandemic?

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