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The role of technology in healthcare

Digital technology has become entrenched in the healthcare industry and is poised to transform medical practice. It has significantly improved operational efficiency in terms of medical care standards. As a result of the shift, both healthcare personnel and patients have had a significantly improved overall experience.

Health Information Technology (IT) integration into primary care encompasses a wide range of computerized systems for managing information about people’s health and health care, for both individual patients and groups of patients. Health Information Technology can increase the quality of care while also lowering costs.

All gadgets, drugs, vaccinations, processes, and systems designed to expedite health care operations, cut costs, and improve care quality are referred to as health technologies. In 2021, the most promising health technologies will include artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, voice search, chatbots, and virtual reality (VR).

Healthcare executives have long been frustrated by the absence of technology stacks and solutions that allow for meaningful marketing customization. According to the American Medical Association, technology was still the top worry for healthcare marketing professionals in 2018.

Technology has enhanced patient diagnosis and treatment over time as it has been integrated into healthcare. Health care is undoubtedly the most essential of all the industries that have profited from technology advancements. As a result, throughout time, the quality of life has improved, and many lives have been saved.

Developing countries, such as Nigeria and other African countries, can take advantage of the verse technological advancements in Healthcare, to provide better health care and health education.

5 Technology Tools Improving Health Care System

Telemedicine / elehealth: It refers to the use of telecommunications technology to advance the healthcare system. Telehealth is growing more popular and successful for a variety of reasons. Patients can use their computer to virtually meet with a doctor in rural locations where hospitals and other health-related facilities are scarce. Second, the financial benefits of telehealth are significant as it can help save money for every medical visit. It can also assist in determining who requires emergency attention. Psychiatrists now frequently use telemedicine to provide therapy to patients who are unable to physically visit their clinic.

Electronic Health Records: When it comes to patient medical records, the emergence of digital technology has been a plus. Large paper files were carried, from department to department in the past. Patient medical charts frequently went missing or were damaged during the transfer. When patients arrive late at night or on weekends, finding medical records in emergency departments could take a long time. Electronic health records (EHR) have changed all of that, making life easier for both healthcare practitioners and patients. EHR access has resulted in centralized storage of all patient data as well as speedier access for better care and outcomes. Medical billing is also made faster, smoother, and easier using EHRs.

Virtual Reality In Healthcare: It is expected that by 2021, virtual reality in health care will be worth $4 billion, and there’s no reason why it can’t get in on the fun. There’s a lot to be excited about, whether it’s utilizing virtual reality to allow patients to virtually visit a health facility or using virtual reality to assist patients to manage with pain.

One of the few technologies that has generated so much engagement is Virtual Reality, and if used correctly, can be extremely valuable to any healthcare organization. It is best to think beyond the box and use unusual materials and applications – if it’s something others haven’t seen before, you’ll attract a lot more attention.

Healthcare Trackers, Wearables, and Sensors: In healthcare, wearable technology refers to electronic devices that customers may wear, such as Fitbits and Smart Watches, that are meant to gather data on users’ health and activity. The medical sector, including insurers, providers, and technology firms, has been influenced to reconsider their tactics by the progress of wearable technology as well as rising customer demand to take charge of their health.

Wearable Fitness Trackers, Smart Health Watches, Wearable Blood Pressure Monitors, Biosensors, and Wearable ECG Monitors, are just a few examples of health care trackers, wearables and sensors.

Nanotechnology: This branch of technology manipulates the molecular structure of materials to change their inherent qualities and create new ones with revolutionary applications. This is the case with graphene, a modified carbon that is harder than steel, lighter than aluminium, and nearly transparent, as well as nanoparticles utilized in electronics, energy, healthcare, and defence.

Some of the achievements made using Nanotechnology includes Advances in the treatment of diseases, such as cancer, Imaging and more advanced diagnostic equipment. Fuel and Solar cells are examples of energy-efficient products, Manufacturing advancements that enable long-lasting, light-weight, and effective production tools.

Successes Recorded In Healthcare Using Technology

Clinically Significant Data For Analysis And Treatment: Technology creates a great deal of data that may be utilized to better manage patient care. Automatic updates are provided via pacemakers and stents through the Internet. Patients can broadcast their weight and blood glucose levels using gadgets. Wearables provide information about activity and sleep patterns.

Furthermore, much of this information, as well as information from EHRs and other platforms, is being combined with Big Data to provide reports and analytics that identify demographic trends and care management gaps. Technology mixed with analytics has enabled the identification of best practices for improving clinical and economic outcomes.

Improved Medication Safety: Technology has introduced a slew of computerized safeguards that warn clinicians when they’re ready to prescribe drugs that might interact or that patients are allergic to. Technology features have replaced books and human memory with automated safeguards that save lives, from computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems to warning features in electronic health records (EHRs).

Higher Quality Communication And Connectivity: Physicians and care managers can now connect with patients between doctor appointments and after they’ve been discharged from the hospital, thanks to technological advancements. Some applications, for example, provide automatic reminders to patients asking the to answer questions after surgery or while they are healing, while algorithm-driven warnings indicate patients who are at rick of hospital readmission or infection.

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