InternetTech News

Tech Industry changes and the emergence of a World IT Army

Since Technology came into existence, it has shown that no matter the industry, the relevance of technology can never be undermined. Tech has its relevance virtually in every sector, industry, and organization. Currently, the world has emerged to the beginning phase of the unanticipated changes, which is impacting and transforming not only the tech industries but also other industry such as finance and the likes. A lot of redirection during the pandemic allowed us to adopt the remote working mode which several organizations have embraced, which also resulted in people evaluating their jobs and choosing to let go of jobs that is not fulfilling their purpose. Due to the current dispute between Russia and Ukraine, quite a dramatic change is been noticed with the introduction of the very first viable international “Cyber Army” called the “ANONYMOUS”.

As strange as this may sound, it is quite an interesting historical advantage that Technology companies are loyal to unions, therefore alerting firms and organizations to be up and doing, keep the cost down to be able to utilize funds and operate a free union unhindered. Virtually various Technological companies encounter at least the possibility of having to tackle with the union and once the union commerce into having a deal with the union, they expand their horizon and gain power granting them adequate access to work with various companies, by working to make an employee more relaxed when it comes to their job. By these, slowly lack of raises, excessive executive salaries, Bad employee, policies and with hostility to employees are gradually becoming history. A clear example is APPLE BRAND, which has a policy that their employee should prompt some to use Android phones, just to secure their privacy as they look to create a union and also to sign a distinct of their employers.

The union’s focus is actually to achieve a critical mass in an industry which will make them unstoppable due to the funding they acquire enables them to push certain campaigns to bind the companies, industries and organisations amongst the Ecosystem. This idea turns the union wins into finding which enables them to spread their tentacles because such project demands that companies concentrate on working towards making their employees satisfied and loyal. Hopefully, before 2025, this will be standard in every organisation,


The outcome of this will be significant and will cost an operational drag on the companies that are in the union together, but will end up having themselves to blame if they had prioritised the well being of their employees better, to begin with, which the union wouldn’t have been able to reach out to the critical mass. From 2020 till date, the number of resignations from various companies tells us that even if Tech companies do not join a union, some employees are still thinking of retiring or changing jobs making it quite difficult for Companies to execute.

For instance, the Automotive Sectors are highly buying into the Tech industry change and emergence. Companies like Ford, Volvo and Jaguar are intentional about creating and discovering electric divisions which allows them to compete with Telsa. Even Phone brands are not also left out as in this present day it’s either having an Apple brand or nothing else making Apple one of the most sorted brands. But unlike Apple, Telsa has been in this tech game change and emergence industry due to the huge execution and discoveries but it was said that it has substandard quality control over an extended period. Making their competitors look into creating electric cars if they are wanting to do it right or even better. To top it all the introduction of electric vehicles will be a force to reckon with in the Automotive Supports and maintenance,

which will enhance greater move to withstand energy production and also increase electrical capacity. By 2026, we should be expecting to see the very first level 4 Automotive Vehicle, which could influence the driving Culture greatly.


A perfect case study is the Ukraine and Russia war as we observed that the IT ARMY of UKRAINE which consists of a large volunteer group of international hackers are working effortlessly in taking down the Russian cyberspace. According to a tweet by ANONYMOUS @YourAnonOne, it declared that the board have also declared war on Russia, unlike Russia, which would opt for cyber warfare, whose ability has paled to what is been brought to the table. These IT armies are solely evolving into becoming a nation on its own and also on the world Cyber Defense force.

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