5 Things to look out for before choosing a hosting Provider For Your Website
When you are faced with the list of hosting provider options, it is very easy to jump into any hosting you find so long as your website goes live.
The highest research many people make is “what is the cheapest web hosting plan” and trust Google to give you the cheapest of them all. But that is the mistake.
Many have in this process going with hosting services that lie about the offers on every package. They tell you 5Gb bandwidth and you eventually can only access 3Gb.
In every opinion, if you would rather live a life free of terminal diseases and deformities, then your site also has the right to a good life on the internet.
A good life on the internet means; nearly no server failure, quick load time, and most importantly, good support. This is why you must look before you leap.
Who is a Web Host Provider
A web hosting provider is any company whose job is to get your website online so that people can have access to and make interactions with it. By default, any web hosting provider you choose would give you:
1. A domain: This is also known as the website address, your users would need to type in their browser for them to access and make use of your site. An example of a domain is https://www.amazon.com. The domain name using a property analogy is the address to the location of your property.
2. A Server: The server is like, the land space where you have your property. This machine holds your website on the internet and supports the traffic that comes to your website.
3. Storage Space: This is like a storeroom where you keep your website resources, and for you to host a site, there must be disk space to keep your images, texts, and other files.
These three are needed for any hosting to take place, so they are always present. But it doesn’t stop there. There are some other features you can search for before choosing a hosting service.
What You Must Look Out For in a Web Hosting Provider

We still get carried away by what we see on hosting sites without carefully reviewing the terms and conditions. Many hosting providers advertise Free Access to WordPress Themes but never follow up with the pledge. This is why you can first deeply investigate it and see how long their freebies last and whether the subsequent subscriptions are ones you can afford. Here, we highlight the extra services you should be aware of before entering into a contract with a hosting company.
1. Reliable Hosting: Although many organizations can host a website, few have strong and stable servers. You need to choose a hosting provider that you can rely on to keep your website up and running at all times. You should also have trust your hosting company to keep your website safe and free of hackers.
2. Truly Unlimited Plans: Not many unlimited plans advertised by some hosting providers are true. You must read carefully, so you do not fall victim, because somewhere there, the real terms are written.
3. Free Additional Services: You deserve some free goodies for your site regardless of the level of hosting. Host providers like Webonaim offer you one-year free site lock access- 200% security for your site and One-month free access to market goo – To boost your sites ranking in search engines. So they should offer you something to look forward to eventually.
4. An Active Technical Support Team: For any hosting, support is everything, especially if you are running your site on your own. This is so that whenever you run into technical problems, there should be an expert you can talk to. The experts would help you resolve those problems.
5. Good Customer Guide: Not many people like to go through support to get their problems resolved as they would rather do it on their own. This is why a good knowledge base should be present in any hosting service you should opt for.
And there you have it. If you wish to combat all of this at once without having to do much, you can save yourself all the stress and allow your developer to make that choice for you.
Have any questions that may not have been covered here? Let us know in the comment section.
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