
Tech tools to aid your Nonprofit Organization carry out humanitarian work

The love of our fellow humans and the desire to make their lives better commands empathy, and by all means, deserves several applause. Regardless, this movement can take a turn for the worst and eventually crumble if some processes lacked automation.

Imagine planning to feed 500 people without a record of the funds that came from your donors or open-source documentation of the resources spent or even a good record of your volunteers. Beyond writing lists and records manually on text editing tools, several tools can make projects easier to manage, report and certainly fly.

In this regard, here are Seven (7) aspects of your nonprofit organization that you should consider automating, as well as examples of tools and software that would make the process seamless:

1.  Donation: It is no news that online fundraising has close to no limitations. This is because; not only does it give room for donations from around the world, it also ensures that the donors’ information is secured. Accepting donations online also helps keep proper records of donors for the organization’s reference and appreciation. Additionally, it poses as an awareness creation tool since it can be backed up, by ads which would, in turn, boost donations. Another advantage of taking contributions online is that it provides for periodic donations, which means that a donor can donate more than once if desired.

Examples of online donation platforms that you should use are DonorboxFundlyPayPal donations, Firstgiving, Classy and GoFundMe.

2.  Email Management: It has recently been discovered that email marketing can be more effective than social media in terms of raising awareness, generating leads, converting prospective donors and volunteers, and helping you achieve your goals quicker. The goal is to reach out to people directly, and email marketing with catchy and engaging content will accomplish this.

Examples of these email marketing tools with free starting plans are MailChimpSenderSendInBlueHubspotBenchmark EmailSend Pulse and Omnisend.

3.  Communication: In an organization with different departments, communication has to be seamless. Imaging Creating separate group chats for each faction like on WhatsApp or Facebook. Although there are amazing messaging platforms, they cannot customize a room for an organization to house its different departments. Tools that allow this feature are very instrumental for remote working. This is because it separates casual from the official. Sometimes, these apps may also allow video conferencing and online meetings.

Examples of this communication software are SlackGoogle HangoutMicrosoft TeamsChantyRocket Chat and Fleep.

4.  Analysis: Knowing how the organization is faring with its online audience is an important task that must be carried out, in any organization. However, these cannot be done manually. Some tools take care of these processes by giving reports on them: The number of visitors to a site, the bounce rates, conversions, sales and general interaction information. Most specifically, analytic tools assist in identifying aspects of online platforms that are struggling and can also suggest solutions.

Examples of such software are Google AnalyticsAdobe Analytics, Heap AnalyticsMixpanelHotjar, and crazy egg.

5.  Social Media Management:This is an exhausting aspect as many times, there’s trouble and confusion as to what to post or tweet and eventually a delay or no show at all. Thankfully, some apps allow you to schedule posts so taking advantage of them would avail your time to prepare posts that would automatically fly at a time you set. These apps allow you to manage all of your social media accounts in one place.

Examples of these softwares are BuffersendibleHootsuiteLoomly, and Zoho.

6.  Design: The finances of nonprofits are mostly on the petty side as it makes no profit. In this case, cutting back spendings is the only smart move. Using free graphics design tools is the best advice when trying to save cost. Some of these tools already come with templates and elements that make design a lot easier.

Examples of these applications are CanvaAdobe Spark and Pixel Lab.

7.  Task Management:Knowing what task assigned to who may look easy in a household but not in an organization. It is almost impossible to manually track the deadlines of assignments as your ear is not a walking alarm. Today, some apps do all of that work for you. Just name the task, append the executors and then a deadline, and that’s it. You get notifications of tasks that are due automatically, with close to no hassle.

Examples of there applications are Trello, Proofhub, Teamwork, Airttable, Wrike, Ayoa, and Monday.

There you have it, seven aspects of your nonprofit organization that should be automated, as well as tools to help ensure that. It is important to note that these tools do not only serve nonprofit organizations, small businesses, and startups are viable benefactors of these tech tools as well.

Kindly leave us a comment if your organization uses any of the tech tools above and how effective has it been.

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