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Carbon Capture Tech making advancement in the wrong direction

Carbon Capture Tech is the process of capturing and storing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) before it is released into the atmosphere which the technology captures up to 90% of carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuel in electricity generation and its industrial process. Also, in commercial operation, the industrial process where the large scale carbon is demonstrated includes ethanol production, Coal gasification, Natural Gas Processing, Fertilizer production and many others.

It is believed that’s one of the key technologies is that the government hopes that carbon Capture Tech will help save the planet from dangerous heating by capturing and storing. While this is been planned, Many also believe that this idea will certainly not work, seeing it as a dangerous distraction by the government. As many are of the school of thought that rather than focusing their energy on capturing and storing carbon dioxide, they should rather focus more on financing technologies that can serve in renewing energies and energy efficiency. In such a way that it will be made to strip carbon dioxide from the exhaust gases of an industrial process by converting Natural gas to hydrogen to be reclassified as a clean fuel. If possible, the carbon dioxide removed can be converted into liquid and channelled underground into a geological formation, which can be kept for generations to avoid the carbon transcending back into the air.

Although the technicality of this is quite complex and expensive therefore leads to the abandonment of many schemes which were proposed far back as the 1990s due to the high cost and the technical difficulty. According to a report by Eco-Business ” The technology still faces many barriers, and would only start to deliver too late would have to be deployed on a massive scale at a scarcely credible rate and has a history of over-promising and under-delivering. One of the major reason, why carbon Capture Tech is advancing in the wrong direction, is that the carbon captured which are been used to extract oil from existing wells are pumped into the ground to force more oil out and when such is been left to the ground we know what that means as it prevents it from been fertile.

Recently it was discovered that most of the industries which claim to reduce and remove carbon dioxide from power plants and facilities are fast-growing, this is simply because there is a new project called “The Pipeline of New carbon Capture and storage (CCS) but in reality, what is heard and been projected by these industries is far more different than what they do. They tend away from tackling the main issue talking about the pollution these industries are causing but instead divert all their focus on the biggest growth which is carbon Capture paired with fossil fuel power plants. Evaluated to about 40million metric tons of carbon Capturing storage capacity in using to process natural gas.

In the best use of technologies, the idea behind this doesn’t seem to portray what some of the carbon Capturing storage components says it is best used for. Knowing fully well that whatever involves Tech, Chronologically centres on either enhancing to make life better or reducing to improve the standard of living, in the case of carbon Capturing storage its focus should be on the ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the various industries like steels, fertilizer production and cement. You would agree that because of the harmful effect pollution factories and facilities causes, it should rather be moved out of neighbourhood than outfitted with the new climate Tech.

Reports state that, on a scale of 1 to 3, industrial pollution makes up about a third of global carbon dioxide emissions and is not easy to completely eradicate because its manufacturing requires a high temperature that renewable energy can not match up to. In the United States of America, Joe Biden administration announced the new federal guideline for checkmating carbon Capturing storage project and it’s believed that this will encourage the “Wide Spread” deployment of technologies with the carbon Capturing storage quickly gaining grounds in the US, with the Republican and Biden’s Support, they have envisaged a part of broader effort to slash pollution from the industrial sector.

One of the ways why CCT is advancing wrongly is because carbon Capture as a Strategy for attacking climate change is still a major concern among environmentally dirty power plants. Just like the 1990’s even till this very moment the CSS project which has been funded in the US has been futile. In 2009, the department of energy has invested hundreds and millions of dollars in these initiatives for different coal plants that never worked and because of this, investors are not willing to invest. According to CoCO Zhang, the CCS pared with gas production and power generation still very function when it comes and industrial use despite the high cost. This is because, over the years, policymakers (the government) have paid and are still paying attention to cleaning up the power sector.

CoCo Zhang, Who is head of ESG Research at ING America says that the more the government move to reach net zero, the greenhouse gas emissions, they are channelling the bigger emphasis on discovering the stubborn industrial emissions. It is believed that with CCS Capacity to set quadruple worldwide by 2030, there would need to be a larger push from the policymakers and a smaller part of that growth projected to spring up in heavy industries per ING for Carbon Capture to proceed where it will be most suitable.

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